
M.O.M. - Magic Office Massage

M.O.M. - Company Manager Information


M.O.M. - Magic Office Massage

M.O.M. - Company Manager Information

What is M.O.M. ?

M.O.M. stand for Magic Office Massage at the office. We massage without the hassle of undressing back, neck, head and neck portion and shoulders, arms and hands.

The benefits for the clients

  •      Mobile Massage - your therapy in the office
  •      Appointments during working hours
  •      No travel costs and travel times

Manager Information

Have we aroused your interest? We would be pleased to be able to win you and your company as a satisfied customer. To this end, we would like to introduce us and our concept of management, so that your business can benefit from our treatment concept.

  •      Relaxed, motivated and productive employees
  •      The staff book and pays the massage themself or the company contributes a part of helping
  •      No limitations or impacts during office work
  •      It requires a small space and manager permission only
  •      valuable contribution to health promotion in the workplace.

The key data of our range we have in our leaflet.


Open Questions about Magic OFFice MAssage (M.O.M.) ?


M.O.M. - FAQ

M.O.M. Mobile Office Massage Frequently Asked Questions

M.O.M. - FAQ

M.O.M. Mobile Office Massage Frequently Asked Questions


What's M.O.M.?

Magic Office Massage M.O.M. is a office massage. Pure wellness and in the office. Stress free - comfortable - on the spot. We come to your company. We bring a special massage chair. You do not have to undress. The massage takes 15/30 minutes - show free choice

How expensive is M.O.M.?

180,- THB for each 15 minutes, reduce by group rates

Who needs M.O.M.?

EVERYONE - Humans are not designed for long sitting postures. This is evident by the following symptoms: back pain, headaches, tension in the neck and shoulder area, general immobility. For immune system and organs also recommends a MOM massage, reflexology, we stimulate the heart, stomach and intestine.

What advantages does a mobile massage against a stationary massage?

  • NO scheduling difficulties ~ appointments during working hours
  • No fees for ~ massage in the workplace
  • NO ~ Journey times Time saving
  • Health care in the company

Is M.O.M. as well as a stationary massage?

Yes, at M.O.M. special massage applied techniques that are aligned with the respective areas of application / pain.

How to Book M.O.M. How do I get an appointment?

Send us an email or call us at. We will get back in touch with you. Talk yourself if necessary with your supervisor from.

Can Magic Hands get into the company?

We need the permission of superiors: The following contact persons have been proven for employees so far: the immediate supervisor, head of department, the works or staff council, the managing director.

How M.O.M. runs practically?

In general, we agree with the management a solid day at regular intervals. We will put a separate area available, where we can perform the massage undisturbed. - Wellness and Health at Work.

Is one Massage allready enough?

Already during the first massage you notice a noticeable relief. For stubborn tensions a regular massage is useful, necessary and advisable. Massages also serve prevention.

When and how often will massaged?

The massage takes place on a fixed day of the week usually. Depending on the situation, a 2- or 4-week rhythm with pain, stress and immobility is recommended. It is recommended that a regular cycle to tensions easier to loosen and prevent. Prevention also extend ¼-yearly appointments.

What else brings M.O.M.?

Relaxation, wellbeing, wellness and magic dreams...

Do I have to undress?

No, MOM massage works by clothing like t-shirt, shirt, blouse, sweater, and without oil. nevertheless Pure Wellness ...

Not interfere with the clothes?

No, it is massaged without aids or devices. See massage techniques.

What massage techniques are applied?

We work mainly with Asian techniques such as Japanese Shiatsu. In addition, energetic techniques such as Reiki we use.
Pure wellness!

  • An important part of our massage Trigger point massage techniques. Trigger points can be very good feel for the clothes and also effectively treated accordingly. This also applies to muscular tension, hardening and imbalances
  • In cervical area we like to work with Cranio Sacral techniques (modern osteopathic treatment).
  •  Acupressure techniques are excellent for stimulating organs and the activation of our energy channels (Asian way of looking at life energy)

Where does M.O.M. instead? See my colleagues during the massage?

No, we get mostly a separate location from the company for the massage as meeting rooms etc. made available or when space is limited an area that can be equipped with a folding screen and when required.

If M.O.M. is a sensible addition to the sport?

Yes, the Mobile Office Massage is an ideal complement to it. Back fitness results from 3 factors: sports, workplace ergonomics and Massage. Each factor has its importance and individual effect on us. Together creates a strong back. Some even feel it as a wellness in the workplace.

Can I let me massage despite pregnancy?

For the first few months that is no problem at all. The exact date for an end of massages we can not set here, because this is dependent on various factors. The best way to clarify this from ever before the massage.

What are the advantages for the company M.O.M.?

  • Positive mood and PR by healthcare enterprises in less absenteeism,
  • lower health care costs higher motivation and productivity by relaxing and unclenched employee

Whereby helps M.O.M. yet?

Mens sana in corpore sano(A healthy mind in a healthy body) Be relaxed and relaxed at the presentation, the telephone conversation, at important meetings, during the trial, according to the mission.